Finite Element Analysis for Thermal Expansion for End Cap of Secondary Containment System (February 2024)

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What Project?

HINGENEERING Consulting  conducted the finite element analysis (FEA) of the sec0ndary containment system  end cap design of the Envirolock containment system in order to investigate the mechanical behavior of the entire containment assembly under internal pressure and temperature changes. To explore the resistance capability of the system against internal pressure and temperature changes, an analysis model composed of the steel pipeline, the end caps, the inner polyurea layer, the carbon fibre layers, and the outer polyurea layer was built and investigated under four different scenarios.

The FEA results indicates that the four layers of carbon fibre, within the the components of the system assembly are adequate in resisting the specified temperature (around 80 degrees of temperature increase or decrease) and the specified pressure load. However, it is recommended not to use the system for a temperature change higher than 90 .



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Project Overview

Construction started in April 2021 and finished June 2023

  • Stage 1

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  • Stage 2

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  • Stage 3

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  • Stage 4

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  • Stage 5

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