Ras Gasabah Temporary Fixed Jetty – NEOM KSA (Feb 2023 to Jan 2024)

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What Project?

HINGENEERING Consulting was subconsultant for Civil Marine Coastal Engineering Office (CMC) for the following scope:

  • The Shushah Island has a need to utilize a new Jetty for construction support.
  • The new jetty will be used for loading/unloading construction material and equipment as well as crew transportation.
  • Detailed design and construction of a new piled jetty (access trestle and loading platform) and its associated mooring equipment’s and fenders.
  • It also act as a floating breakwater to disperse the waves energy from the Red Sea.
  • The loading platform will be used also as passengers ferry terminal for crew transportations.


Scope of work: 1-Design of the Jetty 2-Steel connections design and preparing steel shop drawings. 3-Quality control and site supervision


The new jetty will be used for loading/unloading construction material and equipment as well as crew transportation. It also act as a floating breakwater to disperse the waves energy from the Red Sea


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