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"The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do." - Galileo Galilei
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Requirements for Waterfront Structures in Vancouver, BC
A study made in 2008 study on the effect of Sea Level Rise in British Columbia (1) estimates Sea Level Rise in Vancouver will be ranging from 0.89 m to 1.03 m by the year 2100 (based on extreme high estimate of global sea level rise). As a result of expected Sea Level Rise, the Flood Construction Levels in Vancouver, which define the minimum elevation of the underside of a floor system or top of concrete slab of any building used for habitation, business or storage of goods, are being raised in flood-prone areas. Around Burrard Inlet, English Bay, False Creek and Fraser River Flood Plains, the new flood construction level requirements are:
· For buildings located within the areas shown shaded on Figure 1, the flood construction level 4.6 m Greater Vancouver Regional District datum.
· For buildings located in the areas shown shaded on Figure 2, an additional elevation allowance above 4.6 m may be required for wave run-up.
Figure 1: Diagram A1: Burrard Inlet, English Bay, False Creek and Fraser River Flood Plains.
Marine and coastal structures need to be designed to protect Vancouver’s heavily urbanized environment against Sea Level Rise and coastal flooding. As such, new Waterfront Structures for the City shall have a design crest elevation equal or greater than the Flood Construction Level (4.6 m), plus an appropriate allowance for wave run-up, which is dependent on site-specific wave structure interaction.