Ville Giroux Block 1B, Mid Rise Building, St. Albert, Alberta

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What Project?

In July 2024, Hingeneering got awarded the structural site reviews and formwork and shoring inspections for the project. It is composed of two underground parkade levels and nine stories above grade level in addition to additional amenities area with a total building area of 37600 square feet. The site inspections in partner with Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers and Cemrock Concrete and Construction with the architectural design completed by NORR. The project is in the west side of St. Albert, Alberta near the intersection of Ray Gibbon Drive and Giroux Road.


* Two underground parkade * Nine stories * 410 rental suites


The project further develop the west of St. Albert with additional rental suites to help tackle the housing crisis.


Project Overview

East Stairs Raft

East Stairs Raft

South Strip Footing

South Strip Footing

Retaining Walls

Retaining Walls

Spread Footings

Spread Footings

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